Questions that most internet marketing newbie will ask

Dear fellow friends,

Some questions posed by internet marketers,

What product do I need to look out for?
What can I do to make money online?
What's the best niche to market out there?
Is internet marketing real?
Are the internet marketers telling the truth?
Why do I not see overnight success?
I have purchased so many products but I still did not make a sale, how come?
I have been in this line for almost 2 years, but I havent even make a dime! WHY?
The system is too tedious to handle, can I not follow it?
I have been wanting to set up my own site, but I don't have additional budget, how?
Is there a way for me to publicize my blog effectively?
Why do I always get late payments for my affiliate account?
Which product advice do I need to follow?There is so many of them!

THESE are the QUESTIONS THAT MOST INTERNET MARKET ask me! No doubts about it! EVEN I used to ask myself about this! Well at least for now, its settled! So if you have questions to ask me too! Drop it at this site!

Stay tuned for my next post for the answers....and not forgetting to tell all your friends that are interested and anxious to market their products online about this too! so Stay tuned for it! I will definitely come back with the answers!

Till then, To Your Success!

Your Ad Here

Adwords Riches

Dear Internet Marketer,

How would you feel if...

someone who worked at Google as an AdWords Strategist held your hand plus showed you how to optimize your landing page for maximum quality score, increase Adwords conversion rates and slash your CPC cost by 30% or more?

Here’s the deal...

You already know that Adwords can be very profitable.

There’s simply no better way to promote affiliate products, or even your own product or service. If you know what you’re can easily turn 1 dollar into 5 or 10 dollars or even more.

In fact, running a proper campaign can mean the difference between clunking around in a used Honda Civic.…or tearing up the streets in a sparkling new BMW 5 Series.

But.…if you don’t understand how Adwords works behind the scenes….if you don’t know how every piece of the PPC puzzle fits together - then you stand to lose your investment.

Simply put:Google Adwords can feel like an impossible, complicated machine to master.

But....What If I Told You Adwords

Landing Page Optimization

Really Wasn't That Difficult To Master?

That you simply had to understand how it works 'under the hood' in order to turn a profit?

That if you just broke down the system into actionable steps, and followed them in the correct order….that you too can turn a single dollar into five ten or more?

Here’s the secret:

While you cannot control what keywords people search for, or which ads are clicked on, you DO have control over your landing page and its content.

This is a good thing, because….

Your Landing Page

Is The Most

Critical Piece Of

The Adwords Puzzle

Simply put, if you improve your landing page, you will vastly increase your quality score and conversions - while reducing Cost Per Click.…making more money and at the same time spending less on your campaign/s.

Unfortunately, the lack of useful information floating around in forums and 'black hat' ebooks certainly isn’t going to help you.

The people who spread around the flood of misinformation about Adwords do not have the insider knowledge that I do.…you see, I used to work at Google - and I’m about to spill the beans…

Introducing: AdWords Riches

Invest In

Landing Page Optimization

Darkside of DotComSecrets

Very rarely do people talk about how they
use "Black Hat" marketing in their business..

But the truth is, most successful marketers use
these tactics. However, they are scared to share
them because "Black Hat" is so misunderstood.

Today, Russell Brunson is exposing the
"Black Hat" seo and facebook techniques that
have made his company millions...

BE WARNED, if you are nervous about using
tactics that are extremely effective and can drive
lots of traffic fast - don't go to This page:

The Darkside of DotcomSecrets

If you do want to learn some sneaky (and powerful)
stuff to Get you ranked high, fast - then go learn about
The dark side here:

Darkside of DotComSecrets....

On this page you'll find out if you qualify to get a FRE.E
copy of an interview with MR. X- he's the guy who runs the
"Black Hat" stuff for Russell. See if you qualify here:



P.S. - Russell had never planned on sharing these secrets
but at his last workshop someone walked into a room that
they call "the dark side of dotcomsecrets ".
Go find out what they saw here:

You have to take a look at this!

WOW Webinar

Online Marketer, Russell Brunson recently
hosted an amazing webinar. I couldn't
believe all the cool things that
he shared.

You can watch the replay at:
WOW Webinar

It starts with him telling how his
fulfillment house called and asked
what he wanted to do with some of his
excess physical products.

Russell had no idea that he had over
$167,000 in unsold inventory SITTING
(and that's just the hard costs to produce
the products)!

If he were to sell it all, it would
be over $1.8 mil in profit!

Most of these products are very rare –
some he doesn’t even sell anymore and
he doesn’t have the time to put up sales
letters for all of them. (These proudcts
are very much still current).


He came up with an idea! – how would
you like to just have all of this stuff?

I’m not talking about a 50% discount or
anything – how would you like to just HAVE

Well, he came up with a way to make that
possible! Go check this out here:

WOW Webinar


P.S. Go and watch the replay NOW!

WOW Webinar
*** Next up, Micro Continuity 2.0 ....


Local Marketing Myths

Hi Friends,

For the past few months you've heard everyone talking
about "Local Marketing" and how you can make a killing
providing internet marketing services to local businesses...

but, did you know...

There is a secret opportunity in the Local world that almost
EVERYONE Is missing?

It's a loophole that is worth tens of thousands (if not millions)
to people who grab this opportunity fast!

[Local Loophole Exposed On This Video]
Local Marketing Myths

For the very few people who know this local loophole, they
are all quickly shifting their focus this direction.

You'll understand WHY very soon because Russell Brunson just
posted a video exposing what he calls the "Local Marketing Myth."

You can watch this short video presentation here:

[Watch the controversial "Local Marketing Myth" Video Now]

So, why would Russell show you this if he's making so much money
with it?

What he's stumbled up on is BIG... VERY BIG...

The problem is that he just can't tackle it all by himself.
Instead of hiring a few hundred employees to run with it, he's
decided to partner up with YOU and give YOU a huge piece of the pie!

If you like the idea of working with an internet multi-millionaire
on what he feels is the BIGGEST deal of the decade...

and want to get started INSTANTLY (yes, within 10 minutes from now)
- then go watch this short video presentation now:

[The Local Marketing Myth Video Presentation]
Local Marketing Myths

P.S. - This video will be coming down very soon - if you miss it
- then I apologize in advance. What's in this video WILL change your
life forever

Local Marketing Myths

Instant Social Anarchy

- This is IMPORTANT...

Forget about all the things you have
learned about Social Media- It's all Crap!
You Really don't have to work so hard.

Instant Social Anarchy

This new Software is literally
turning so called "Social Media Experts"
on their heads...

Never before has it
been so easy to use Social Media to
get Never before seen Traffic to your

Get the Software

This software was on the "hush-hush",
until now. I am getting all GIDDY
just thinking about how much time and
money it will save you.

It will:

-Create over 10,000 social media accounts
at the push of a button
-Use these accounts to get 10's of Thousands
of backlinks to your sites
-Create "Link Pools", Spin Posts titles,
message and profile descriptions..

and lots more...

What are you Waiting For?

It's so simple to use that even a
complete NEWBIE can use it.

So don't waste anymore of your
precious time.

Check out Instant Social Anarchy
right now.

Your friend,

If they Max out sales before you read
this I am sorry.

Don't get left behind