Advertising in Blogs, Build Your Own site.

What do you think of advertising in Blogs?

To me I took up the challenge to advertise in blogs, handle a couple of affiliate marketing, to publish ads in my blogs, set up of my own website. What's next?

My purpose in doing all these is to broaden the concept of IM and instil the mindset for people that love to click, to stare at the comp screen, to type and backspace, highlight here and there, and most importantly MSN; so that they will have the trust and correct perception of INTERNET MARKETING is about.

I was asked by Norman, "internet marketing, what's about it?"

Didnt get the chance to brief on that to him as I was up for a next appointment.

Let me touch alittle bit on it now. Internet Marketing is the growing online business that is definitely started way back during when the dotcom started.
It is now still growing strong and many have tasted the fruits of Internet Marketing.

Like any other business, IM has incorporated a couple of elements in and definitely, they are MLM, ads, entertainment(Youtube,Friendster,Facebook), providing online services such as delivery services, taking orders, movie bookings etc.

I am currently 23 and I hope that you can be a young entrepreneur at a young age and become even more succesful in the time to come.

There is tonnes of things that what the Internet can do and of course the same goes to IM.
The WWW or Internet does not stop working,it is open 24 hours, no holidays,no breaks, no leaves and no excuses! That's what's so fascinating about it.

Like any business in the world, dollars and cents have always been an important key for growth too.
That is why we label IM as passive income as it doesn't require us to work round the clock just to clinch that $2,000 a month pay. Cheques come in and go.
Now lets put that aside first.

So before, u indulge yourself with IM, ask yourself the first question.

Are you up to the challenge of investing yourself for the interest of the people?

To your Successful Business,